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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Into the Archives-24


Summer of 2004 my dad was working on a show in Dallas Texas so we spent some time there. Here are the few pictures from the trip.
We went to a restaurant called Big Texan. And hey! There might have been a few big thing! Like this rocking chair that can hold a whole family.
Yup that's me right there in the middle! (I added the red arrow.)
We visited my moms friend a lot and sometimes stayed over night. I don't remember much of this trip but this is actually what I remember the most. I remember playing upstairs in the play room and swimming in the pool in the back yard. Here we are sitting on the stairs ready for church! (Or maybe it was after church. I don't know.)
But then there was a lot of driving. Thankfully we had a nice roomy van. (Faithful Van R.I.P 2001-2009. It died on a road trip. I'll tell that story later.)


  1. you are so cute. little kyra.
    and oh, poor van. i'll want to hear that story

  2. Yeah I'll probably tell that story some time. Quick hint. We broke down in the middle of no where!


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