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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Not All Seminary Videos Are Boring

Most videos played in seminary are...well pretty boring. And old. Way. Too. Old. Hopefully they fix that soon. But thankfully I found that the boring part is not completely true. I, along with the rest of my classmates, were pleasantly surprised when out teacher showed us this one on Friday. It's still old but that makes it even funnier.
When I came home I promptly favorited it on YouTube and showed my family.


  1. This video is a time capsule, too!

  2. Agreed! I love the video and cassette tapes sitting in the box. It's weird how technology has changed so quickly. I remember when DVD's came out and thought we'd never get a DVD player. And now you can just stream any movie to your computer or TV or even iPad. It can't get better than that right? I'll probably be laughing at the comment in 10 years.


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