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Monday, April 13, 2015

A First for Everything {iwgbtp}

I've never had a spontaneous bloody nose...until Philmont. Sorry in advance for this TMI post.

My crew had gone to sleep and I was sitting in my tent, dutifully reading my ranger handbook. Out of nowhere, there was a plop. A large splatter of blood had landed on my book and the crew checklist card that I would have to turn in at the ranger office when I got back to base. "That'll be awkward to explain", I thought to myself.
My hand shot to my nose where blood was beginning to pour out. My palm was filling with blood at an alarming speed. Thankfully I had some TP with me in case I needed to blow my nose in the night (which was a regular occurrence while in NM). After stuffing a bunch of TP around my nose and wiping up the majority of the mess, I continued to ponder on what I should do now. Considering that blood is a bear attractor, I should probably figure this out sooner than later. I kept adding backup as my nose continued to flow. The rules say you're supposed to take a bearbag down and put any bloody material in it. I really did not want to do that by myself at this time of night. Plan B.
When the flow finally stopped (and it took what felt like ages), I put my shoes and headlamp on, and quietly slid outside. I went over to the fire pit where the water bottles are kept at night to grab one of mine. Then I ventured away from camp. When I had gone as far as I felt safe, I grabbed a stick, knelt down and dug a small hole in which I buried my used TP. Then I washed my hands and face as best I could.
I put my bottle away and went back to my tent. I didn't know what to do about the damaged book and card. Guess technically they should go up in the bear bag too... Ha.
Pretty sure I just broke a bunch of bear procedure rules. Whoops, so much for being dutiful. #BadRanger


  1. That a girl!! You learn well! There is always Base Camp Reset!


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