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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Into the Archives-18


This was the bunny Caramel. We had the great opportunity to take care of her for a few weeks while her owners were out of town. I was about 7 and I was so excited to have a real pet even for just a little bit. KEW and I made little obstacle courses for her to go through. (I'm pretty sure it didn't work so well.) Besides fish, she was the only domestic pet we have ever had in our care. Sure we've caught toads, frogs, turtles, snakes etc...but this was the real thing! Unfortunately there is a sad ending. Only a few weeks after taking care of her she had to be put down. Her front teeth had grown too long because she hadn't gnawed on her wood block that was supposed to keep her front teeth filed. With them too long she couldn't eat. It broke my heart. But at least I had those few weeks to learn about rabbits. Since then I had to go through loosing 2 more rabbits. I only saw them once a month but Hans and Grettel were my rabbit friends at the nature center. They were the sweetest things. You could hold them for a long time and they would just sit there.
OK that's enough sad stories for today. I promise I'll have a happy story next week!

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